Introduction to the Reviews

Mapping has been reviewed from many different perspectives. Below you will find all the reviews I have seen. I have not looked at all of the various bookseller sites, so I am sure there are more. The most recent reviews I have seen are added to the top. Just below that are several that I found particularly useful (Apologetics 315, Colossians Forum, Armstrong, Duffy, LePeau). There are reviews from theologians, evangelical (McKnight), and anti-evangelical (LePort), philosophers (Gould), and scientists (Lewis). It has received positive reviews from naturalistic science organizations (NSTA), and at the other end from proponents of old earth (RTB) and young earth creation (Talbot).

In addition to many reviews from the US, there some from England (Garner), Scotland (Fraser), Australia (Vox Reformata) and even one in Dutch (Cultuurshock). Some reviews have included criticism, which I have responded to, in some cases largely agreeing (Claiborne, Travis), in others disagreeing (NCSE, Byl, James), but in all cases thankful for the chance to clarify my position or statements.

In this section you will also find other online discussions about the book that go beyond the strict definition of review, including the seven part series by RJS (with my responses to his critiques) and an interview with Merritt.

It has been gratifying that of all the reviews on (Amazon) the lowest rating I have gotten by anyone who actually read the book was a 4 – an amazing feat for a book in this controversial field.

(All quotes from reviews are copied 'as is' without correction of grammar or spelling.)

Ted Johnston

Ted Johnston, The Surprising God Blog
"I particularly appreciate Rau's humility and, to the extent possible, his objectivity."

This is far more than a review. It is rather an 8 part summary of the book, with theological commentary. I highly recommend it.

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Martin Labar

Martin LaBar, Sun and Shield Blog, Southern Wesleyan University, Retired Science Teacher

“What Rau attempts, and does well, is to discuss six different models for origins.”

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Chris Harris

Chris Harris, A View from the Right

"I find the distinctions/labels used by Dr. Gerald Rau in his book Mapping the Origins Debate: Six Models of the Beginning of Everything quite helpful, particularly for distinguishing the types of TE."

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Mark Wessner 2

Mark Wessner, Genesis and Human Origins: What Makes a Human ‘Human’ and Why Does it Matter?

“While there are a number of possible approaches, I have found Gerald Rau’s Mapping the Origins Debate immensely helpful in establishing a basic framework through which to explore the many questions of origins.”

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