Tim Challies

Tim Challies, book reviewer and author

"Any reader will not only become better informed about the current debates on origins but will become better thinkers about the issues at stake."

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Paul Garner, Biblical Creation Ministries

Paul Garner, researcher and lecturer with Biblical Creation Ministries

"I have been disappointed with so many Christian books on the origins debate that I was prepared not to like this one either, but the author managed to completely confound my expectations."

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Alan J. F. Fraser

Alan J. F. Fraser, writing in The Monthly Record of the Free Church of Scotland

"Gerald Rau has, I believe, done a great service by producing a lucid introduction to the subject by 'mapping' the arguments from all sides, summarising the data in such a way that we can get a handle on what different people believe and why they believe it."

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David Atkinson

David Atkinson, Assistant Bishop in Southwork, England

Writing in the British publication Church Times, Atkinson says:

"His book is written with the needs of American Christian students in mind, for whom the debates about evolution and creation are a cause of confusion."

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Vox Reformata

Vox Reformata, published by the Reformed Theological College, Australia

"The author has the ability to explain complex scientific models in a way that makes them understandable to those who, like myself, have had only minimal scientific training."

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