John Byl

John Byl, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy, Trinity Western University

"This book gives a good overview of the various models of origins. It clearly shows that our philosophical starting point dictates how we do science, and how we explain the scientific evidence. Dr Rau is best when discussing biological issues, his specialty. In cosmology, I find that he minimizes problems with big bang cosmology, and downplays the feasibility of alternative cosmologies."

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David Smart

David Smart, Christian blogger

"Whether you have an uncompromising young-earth creation view or a neo-Darwinian evolutionary one—or more likely somewhere in between—you will find this book to be an educational benefit and a valuable addition to your library. It provides the reader with a practically objective look at the different models of origins, what their operating presuppositions are, why that is important, and how they each compare to one another when it comes to the relevant data. In my opinion, the first two chapters alone are worth the price of the entire book."

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Creation Reality

Creation Reality

"This book attempts to organize various views of the origins debate into six categories and present them in a way that encourages thoughtful, unbiased comparison. Overall, I think it does a good job, and is amazingly free of bias, rancor, or the negativity that so often characterizes this topic."

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Reynolds, Christianity Today

Matt Reynolds, in Christianity Today

Christianity Today Logo

"Written for nonspecialists, the book should appeal both to students and to grown-ups who, like me, daydreamed their way through high-school science courses and never learned much of anything."

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Doc Kirby

Doc Kirby, author of Book Bit and broadcaster for WTBF-AM/FM, Troy, AL

"There are six major models explaining the origin of the universe, life, species and humans, but it is difficult to examine them without being influenced by the author of your research material. That's what makes this book so different. All six are presented with an unbiased eye. (When I interviewed the author for ON THE BOOKSHELF this weekend, he would never tell me which of the six models he considered to be the most valid!)"

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